Date archive: February 2017

One Week, Two Nations, Two Schools and 150 Children

The Rugby Six Nations competition is on at the moment. Last week was a very interesting and fulfilling one, where I had my own, mini Two Nations event. I visited St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Halifax in Yorkshire on the Monday. Presented ‘Antarctica – A Really Cool Place’ to their Year 2 classes. On the Thursday…

Alice in Wonderland Weathervane on the Way to Wilmslow

Had a great night giving my Feathers and Wings talk at Wilmslow Guild yesterday. Whilst driving there earlier in the afternoon, the sun popped out so I decided to take a detour via Daresbury. Famous as the village where Charles Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll, was born in 1832 and grew up as a child….

The clouds parted and came forth the sunlight

I had a walk along the River Mersey shoreline yesterday, it was a miserable, grey and overcast day. However, at one moment the clouds parted and the sun shone. I photographed these two white vessels on the misty and gloomy river, reflecting the brief sunshine. Have a look at the tiny boat with the fisherman…