Dreary Dreich Days

Post 64 of 174
Dreary Dreich Days

Of all the old words in the Scots language, it is perhaps appropriate that ‘dreich’ should reign over them all. Sorry for the unintended pun!!

Dreich is a combination of dull, overcast, drizzly, cold, misty and miserable weather. At least four of these adjectives must apply before the weather is truly dreich.

The UK had just had its first very cold winter days with -10 degC and snow up in Scotland and snow in parts of England also. Where I live, on the Wirral in Merseyside, we have just had a succession of cold, dull, drizzly and overcast days, in other words, dreich days.

Such days are a challenge for photographers as the quality of light is poor and uninspiring. I promised my photography course class last week that I would take some winter images to show them next week. So what do you photograph in dreich weather?

Well I go for details, such as the water droplets on this acer tree in my garden with the red twigs contrasting against an evergreen in the background. It goes to show if you look closely there are still some bits of colour and interest. Not much, but a few. Bring on dry and bright days with snow and sunshine!!

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