‘Meeting Of Minds’

Post 43 of 174
‘Meeting Of Minds’

We have all heard this popular idiom. But what does it mean? The act of concurrencecooperation or shared opinion?

Well in fact, it’s all three. Over a professional career of 35 years I have worked for and with many organisations on a full time or contracted basis; architectural practices, professional bodies, local authorities, schools, colleges and a few universities. They have all given me diverse experiences and skills, some good and positive and some not so.

But the organisations I’ve appreciated most are the ones where there is this meeting of minds : where we share similar values, cooperate and harmonise, where both partners are positive for each other. I have had this relationship with 3 or 4 organisations during my career. And remember, organisations are the people that work for them.

My developing professional relationship with Dillington House, an adult residential college in Somerset is one. Over 4 years we have worked well together and I am proud to have developed some exciting lectures and courses that contribute to the Dillington experience – ‘the perfect place to unleash your creativity or feed your thirst for knowledge’. This only happens with mutual respect and support, but when it does, it is powerful and inspiring. I look forward to many more years working with this superb adult college and its staff who have supported and encouraged me over these years.

If anyone reading this is also fortunate to have a ‘meeting of minds’ in their work, well cherish and nourish it. If you don’t, have a look around, the right place for you might be somewhere else.

And if you fancy a short course or lecture to unleash your creativity or thirst for knowledge, then have a look at Dillington‘s exciting offer!

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