Architectural Photography Workshop

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Architectural Photography Workshop

Had a busy but very enjoyable day with staff from Cunliffes, a multi-disciplinary private practice offering property and construction consultancy services to private and public sector clients, based in Bootle, Liverpool.

I ran an Architectural Photography Workshop at their office, where 14 enthusiastic staff, comprising architects, building surveyors and QS’s attended and brushed up on photography theory in the morning sessions. After a splendid lunch, they practised the theory in a photo shoot in and around the buildings on Liverpool’s Waterfront.

Great day with good, positive feedback from all on the workshop, including the Director, Noel Shearer, who emailed, ‘Thanks Brian for an excellent days training, developing our Architectural Photography skills yesterday. It was an excellent blend of theory, experience, mentoring and fun!’

Final workshop session in a couple of weeks when I review the shots we all took. Looking forward to it already.

Thanks Cunliffes for a great day.

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