Category archive: Uncategorized

Dazzle On The Foggy Mersey

Dazzle camouflage, aka as dazzle painting, was used extensively on ships in WW1 and consisted of complex patterns of geometric shapes in contrasting colours, interrupting and intersecting each other. Dazzle camouflage works by making it difficult to estimate a target’s range, speed and heading. Dazzle was intended more to mislead the enemy as to the correct position…

April Fools’ Day!!

Had a go at a couple of April Fools’ Day pranks today, and my eldest son tried one on me. It reminded me of the classic I played on a South African friend I had met in Antarctica a few years back. She is ‘penguin mad’ as I am, and took pictures of as many species as…

A Beautiful Spring Evening in the Lakes

I was up in Ambleside yesterday to give an illustrated talk to the South Lakeland RSPB Group. The light was beautiful from around 5 to 6pm, the colours in the hills were warm and vivid. Took a few shots through the trees with the stunning hues of the hills as a background to the silhouetted…

Nothing Can Eclipse Liverpool’s Liver Birds … Well Except A Partial One!!

At approx 9.30 this morning we had our Partial Solar Eclipse over Liverpool and the region. Although the sky was not perfect with some haze and cloud, the partial eclipse of the sun by our moon was still a fantastic sight. And here is Liverpool’s iconic Liver Bird eclipsed by the Partial Eclipse over the…

To All Mothers Everywhere

Well today, 15th of March, is Mothering Sunday in the UK. I have been lucky to photograph many mothers and their children in places as diverse as India, Peru, Jordan, in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, to Liverpool in the UK, as you can see in the illustration. In all these shots the love and warmth between…

Community Awards Celebrate Ten Outstanding Individuals

I was delighted to meet the recipients of the Wirral Award 2015 last evening as the official photographer of the ceremony. Ten wonderful people who have made great contributions to Wirral’s community over the years, from dedicated fundraising for the Stick ‘n’ Step charity, Wirral Show and Wirral Lions; work with the YMCA, contributions to teaching…

Ever Bought A Souvenir On Holiday You Later Regret?

Come on, we have all done it! Buying something on impulse in a foreign land only to regret it upon returning home. Popular examples of bad taste souvenirs I have seen in airports include big Sombreros, Spanish Decanters and big Donkeys with Sombreros on – stuffed toy ones, I hasten to add. Well last night I…

International Women’s Day 2015

So today, March the 8th, is International Women’s Day and the theme is ‘Make It Happen’. I have been lucky to photograph women at ‘work and play’ across the world, from the remote High Atlas mountains, to bustling Indian and Egyptian villages, the High Arctic, masked women at the Venezia Carnevale, and ‘ladies’ just having a good…


I am giving my ‘IMAGES FROM THE EDGE’ illustrated polar talk to Bebington 2nd Scout group on Tues 17th March at 6.45pm, in the Activity Hall at Wirral Grammar School for Boys. This event is to help raise funds for 2nd Bebington Scouts, the same group my eldest son attended over a decade ago. This invite made me think back to my years in the…

Give Some Thought To The Polar Bear

Today, the 27th of February, is International Polar Bear Day, observed annually to raise awareness of the protection of the threatened species. As of 2008, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reported that the global population of polar bears was between 20,000 and 25,000 – but is declining due to a number of factors. One of…