Seals, Whales, Candles and Soap

Project 19 of 30

In 1775 Captain Cook claimed South Georgia in the South Atlantic for Great Britain. Sealing commenced there in 1786, and within 50 years over a million fur seals had been killed for their pelts and oil. Whaling began around the island in 1904, and by 1914, whale oil had become an important commercial commodity and a basic ingredient in the production of explosives. In 1917/18, the entire Antarctic catch of 258,000 barrels of whale oil was destined for West Float Docks in Birkenhead. Join me to find out about this incredible local link and the Wirral industries using whale oil in their domestic and international products. I also look at the last 50 years of international protection which has seen seal and whale numbers return to record levels in the southern ocean. The challenge now is to protect this wildlife and the pristine environment it inhabits from the new man-made threats of pollution and global warming. With stunning images from my visits to South Georgia and the Antarctic region, this talk is a must for all nature lovers and anyone who cares for our environment.

May 19, 2013

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