We Pollute and Plunder the Earth at our Peril - Anderson Images
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We Pollute and Plunder the Earth at our Peril

Project 9 of 30

Since the outset of the Industrial Revolution, mankind has plundered the Earth of its finite resources. From the mass slaughter of seals and whales in the C18th, we have overfished the seas and denuded vast areas of forest, causing the extinction of many hundreds of species of wildlife. With the human population now over 6 billion, the Earth is no longer able to sustain the familiar and comfortable world we have taken for granted. The result is global warming, climate change, pollution, floods and crop failures. With stunning images from my expeditions to the Antarctic, one of the last ‘pristine’ environments left on the planet, I show how even this most inaccessible and inhospitable place is being affected by mankind’s actions. It’s not too late, there are glimmers of hope as lessons are being learned which can save Antarctica and other wilderness areas for future generations. For nature lovers and anyone concerned about the environment, this talk is not to be missed.

May 21, 2013

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