Category archive: Courses

An Eye For A Good Picture

“It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera … they are made with the eye, heart and head.”  – Henri Cartier–Bresson. This Day Course looks at photographic composition, with tips and techniques to create pleasing and well composed photographic images, including the ‘Rule of Thirds’, Viewing Angles, Lens Types and Cropping. A must for…

Polar Worlds

Based on Brian’s expeditions to the Arctic, geographic North Pole and Antarctic Peninsula, this richly illustrated day course looks at the last remaining wildernesses on the planet – the polar regions. You will learn about and see the incredible landscapes of ice, snow and towering icebergs, plus the unique wildlife, including polar bears, walruses, albatrosses…

Wish You Were Here

A 3 day course looking at Travel Photography, including definitions of the genre, history of early travel photographers, techniques and tips on taking your own successful travel photographs, all fully illustrated with examples of Brian’s portfolios from around the world.

The History of Early Photography

A Day Course looking at the history of early photography from the 1830’s to the early C20th, fully illustrated with iconic images from photographers such as Niepce, Daguerre, Fox Talbot, Ponting, Hurley and many others.

Visual Arts Appreciation

A course appreciating iconic architecture, fine painting, sculpture, fashion and masks For full details of Course Costs, Venues, Booking details, and Dates when these Courses will be running, please download the 2013/14 Course Brochure now

Wildlife Weekend

A two day course to improve your wildlife photography, with stunning images and amazing facts about some of the worlds unique flora & fauna For full details of Course Costs, Venues, Booking details, and Dates when these Courses will be running, please download the 2013/14 Course Brochure now

Improve your Photography

Full day Course starting by looking at types of digital cameras, iPads and iGlass, camera lenses and filters. Followed by looking at basic photography principles of F stops and Aperture Control, Depth of Field, Exposure Triangle, Composition Balance, Rule of Thirds and Cropping. All the theory is well illustrated with examples from Brian’s stunning wildlife,…

1 2 1 Photography at Chester Zoo

Book 1 2 1 photography sessions at Chester Zoo. Book half or full day session to meet and photograph this Mandrill and his mates.

Here be Dragons

Weekend course looking at the early exploration, the landscape and wildlife of some of the most remote and fragile wildernesses left on the planet.

Travel Photography

Choose between a full day or two day course