Category archive: Talks


“ Paint cannot touch it and words are wasted ” wrote Frederic Remington in 1895 whilst pony trekking through Yellowstone.  At over 2.2 million acres, Yellowstone was the USA’s and the world’s first National Park when established in 1872. This awesome place contains some of the world’s biggest geysers and hot springs, magnificent landscapes, and…

The Falkland Islands

Often referred as a ‘Colder Version of the Galapagos’, the Falkland Islands are home to an astounding variety of wildlife, including penguins, albatrosses, petrels, seals, dolphins and whales. Based on Brian’s visits to the Falklands, this talk features stunning images of the islands’ landscapes, flora and fauna. The colourful history of the Falklands is covered,…

Galápagos – A Little World Within Itself

The Galápagos Islands, 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador, famed for their vast number of endemic species, were studied by Charles Darwin contributing to his work on natural selection. In this richly illustrated presentation, you will see Brian’s stunning images of the unique wildlife, which includes galápagos penguins, giant tortoises, land and marine iguanas,…

Ernest H Shackleton

2014, cententary year of Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctica Expedition 1914-1917, this talk looks at Britain’s greatest polar explorer.  His early life from Sea Cadet to Master, and his Antarctic expeditions.  This is an amazing story of leadership, heroism and utter determination in the face of extreme dangers and adversity. Illustrated with Brian’s stunning images from Antarctica…

We Pollute and Plunder the Earth at our Peril

Since the outset of the Industrial Revolution, mankind has plundered the Earth of its finite resources. From the mass slaughter of seals and whales in the C18th, we have overfished the seas and denuded vast areas of forest, causing the extinction of many hundreds of species of wildlife. With the human population now over 6…

Antarctica ‘A Really Cool Place’

A new illustrated talk for schoolchildren, suitable for ages 6 to 7 and 9 to10 years. This 30 minute talk looks at the rich wildlife in this cold and isolated place, including; whales, seals, penguins and albatrosses; plus stunning images of frozen landscapes with gigantic blue-green icebergs. Some of the threats caused by global human…

Images From The Edge

Join me for a portfolio of stunning photographs from some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world and a look at some of the great explorers who discovered them, including Marco Polo, Magellan, Livingstone, Burckhardt and Bingham. Travelling between five continents we will see icebergs and frozen seas in the Arctic and Antarctica, the…

Seals, Whales, Candles and Soap

In 1775 Captain Cook claimed South Georgia in the South Atlantic for Great Britain. Sealing commenced there in 1786, and within 50 years over a million fur seals had been killed for their pelts and oil. Whaling began around the island in 1904, and by 1914, whale oil had become an important commercial commodity and…

Feathers and Wings

Join me for a presentation featuring over 50 bird species from five continents. My diverse and colourful images will include familiar avian species from Europe, to more exotic vultures and caracaras from South America; kites, sun birds and bee-eaters from Asia, to albatrosses, petrels and penguins from Antarctica. For bird watchers and lovers of nature,…

Egypt “The Gift of The Nile”

According to Herodotus, the Greek historian, Egypt was the gift of the Nile, for without her rich waters Egyptian civilization would have been short-lived. The river provided the elements that sustained and influenced an ingenious and vigorous civilization for over three thousand years. In this talk, we travel down the river Nile from the Great…