
Post 62 of 174

JUXTAPOSITION – one of my favourite words, also something I like using in my photography. In other words, selecting two things; a main subject and a secondary one, positioning them so they are seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.

It is well known that “the juxtaposition of two subjects” can create exciting images.

I found a new visual juxtaposition today. New Brighton lighthouse, an iconic structure on the River Mersey, is often difficult to photograph because it stands alone with nothing around it of equal height to frame it. But not now, for the huge red cranes, part of Liverpool2 – the port’s deep water container dock for post-panamax container ships – provide a perfect frame and background to the 1830 lighthouse structure. Even the colour of the lighthouse’s lantern roof cupola matches the cranes behind. A visitor to this website has just remarked the image looks like a ‘Jules Verne space rocket and gantry’ !!

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