The Romantic and Ravishing Rowan

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The Romantic and Ravishing Rowan

I love this part of summer when the late blooms appear and especially when the rowan berries appear on the trees.

The Rowan or Mountain Ash‘s myths go back to Classical times. The rowan is also prominent in Norse mythology as the tree from which the first woman was made, (the first man being made from the ash tree). In the British Isles the rowan has a long and still popular history in folklore and the tree was said to afford protection to the dwelling by which it grew, pieces of the tree were carried by people for personal protection from witchcraft.

The Scots have a particular affinity to the rowan also, where it’s twigs and berries have been used for ritual purposes and the berries being used to make a highland spirit and rowan berry jelly to eat with game.

On a personal note, my late father’s favourite scottish song was The Rowan Tree, a wonderful melody and lyrics made famous by Kenneth McKellar. It was the tune the piper played at my dad’s funeral 22 years ago.

On a brighter note, the very first berries have just appeared out in the small rowan growing in my garden. This sapling began as a cutting from a neighbour. The photo is a shot of my Rowan taken this morning. So here is to the beautiful rowan and its romantic and mythical connections, long may they continue.

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