Tag archive: liverpool

A Reverse Police Photobomb in Liverpool

A photobomb is ‘a photo spoiled by the unexpected appearance of an unintended subject in the camera’s range of view as the shot is taken’. I run 8 week long photography courses for Bluberry Learning & Development Ltd in Cheshire. Today was session 6 of 8 of my Spring course, and I took the group on…

Architectural Photography Workshop

Had a busy but very enjoyable day with staff from Cunliffes, a multi-disciplinary private practice offering property and construction consultancy services to private and public sector clients, based in Bootle, Liverpool. I ran an Architectural Photography Workshop at their office, where 14 enthusiastic staff, comprising architects, building surveyors and QS’s attended and brushed up on photography theory…

Liverpool is the most beautiful of cities

Folk tend to take their local region, town or city for granted. I was taking a client around Liverpool on Monday for an afternoon’s photo tuition session. It was cold but dry and sunny, the sky was blue, the fine architecture dazzled and the sculptures were picked out in the autumn sunshine. David Attenborough was…