Tag archive: presentations

Some performers take to drink, others take to audiences

…. to paraphrase the famous quote by Gore Vidal. Or another great audience quote, this one by P T Barnum, ‘Every crowd has a silver lining.’ My business is all about communicating with or performing to audiences through my lectures, workshops and courses. I am fortunate, I enjoy interacting with people, which is just as well….

Guest Speaker at Birkenhead School

I was the Guest speaker at Birkenhead School today, presenting one of their weekly Friday Sixth Form Lectures. It was my 4th visit to this fine school. Today’s 60 or so student’s were very enthusiastic – well they laughed at all the right bits. After my 40 minute presentation I had a splendid lunch with…

Marlborough College Summer School

Tickets are still available for courses and lectures at Marlborough College Summer School in Wiltshire. I will be there all next week, Mon 3rd to Fri 7th August, running a Wanderlust course and presenting an afternoon lecture, ‘Cool Images From The Edge’. Visit their website at http://www.mcsummerschool.org.uk/ and have a look at the great events…

2nd TeachMeet Event

I am looking forward to giving my second presentation to a UK TeachMeet event. This time in Liverpool on Sat 25th April. My presentation ‘explore experience discover’ will introduce the teachers attending to my illustrated talks for primary and secondary schools. Inspiring young children with my images and facts from some of the world’s most amazing places, cultures and peoples. I hope to get a…