World Photography Day

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World Photography Day

Well that was a new one on me, there seems to be a World Something Day, every other day, but I should really have picked this one up, WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY DAY.

Photography surrounds us in every moment and yet, we often don’t realise how powerful the images we capture every day can be.

Today, we can share memories across the globe in seconds. Photography is an invention that has revolutionised the way we see the world. We can visit places without leaving our home. We can share adventures with friends in another city and we can watch grandchildren grow up thousands of kilometers away.

There was a time when photography didn’t exist and it was not all that long ago

So let us celebrate photography, whether you own a digital camera, iPad or Smartphone, or a film camera, yes they still exist and are preferred by some photographers.

Visit the WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY DAY website at :

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